Monday, April 30, 2012

Weeping White Pine

Common Name: Weeping White Pine (Gymnosperm)
Scientific Name: Pinus Strobus

  • The Weeping White Pine is an evergreen
  • Its branches are long and irregularly twisted
  • Native to eastern North America
  • The needle-like leaves are in bundles of five
  • Its narrow cones have a rounded apex
  • Every 3 to 5 years, the Weeping White Pine experiences a peak in cone production
  • Can easily live 200 to 250 years
  • Prefer moist climates and well-drained soil
  • Conifer
  • Reaches heights of 80 to 110 feet

Emerald Spreader Japanese Yew

Common Name: Emerald Spreader Japanese Yew (Gymnosperm)
Scientific Name: Taxus Cuspidata

  • The Emerald Spreader Japanese Yew is a needled evergreen
  • It grows from 1 to 2.5 feet in height
  • It requires full to partial sun exposure
  • It is a conifer, but only male conifers produce cones
  • Female Emerald Spreaders produce red "berries"
  • It is native to Japan, Korea, northeast China, and southeast Russia
  • Each seed cone contains one seed that is 4 to 8 millimeters long
  • The leaves are 1 to 3 centimeters long
  • The leaves are arranged in a spiral fashion on the stem
  • Requires a soil pH of 6.1 to 7.5

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Common Name: Philodendron (Angiosperm)
Scientific Name: Philodendron Selloum

  • The Philodendron is a herb/vine
  • It is an angiosperm
  • It grows in the forest layer understory or canopy
  • Its flower is a greenish yellow flowering spike
  • Found in the tropical Americas and West Indies
  • Growth is epiphytic, hemiepiphytic, or terrestrial
  • Somewhat pennate
  • Have aerial and subterranean roots
  • Some have extrafloral nectaries
  • It reproduces sexually

Burkwood Viburnum

Common Name: Burkwood Viburnum (Angiosperm)
Scientific Name: Viburnum x burkwoodii

  • The Burkwood Viburnum grows from 8 to 10 feet in height
  • At maturity, its diameter is from 6 to 8 feet
  • It flowers in round clusters
  • Thrives in full sun to partial sun exposure 
  • Prefers acidic soil
  • It is of hybrid origin
  • Semi-evergreen
  • Flowers bloom in April
  • Deciduous
  • Highly fragrant flowers

Red Buckeye

Common Name: Red Buckeye (Angiosperm)
Scientific Name: Aesculus pavia

  • The Red Buckeye is originally from Southeastern United States
  • Its flowers are red and tubular
  • The flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds
  • Grows from 5 to 8 meters tall
  • The fruits, roughly 3 centimeters in diameter, reach full maturity between September and October
  • The fruits contain saponins, which are poisonous to humans
  • Dicot
  • It is perennial
  • Single stem growth
  • Minimum soil pH: 3.7
  • Maximum soil pH: 7.0


Common Name: Bamboo (Angiosperm)
Scientific Name: Bambusicola thoracicus

  • Bamboo is a monocot
  • Angiosperm
  • It is a perennial plant
  • Major food source of: the giant panda, the red panda, and the bamboo lemur
  • Found anywhere from cold mountains to hot, tropical areas
  • Internodal regions of the stem are hollow
  • Scattered throughout the stem are the vascular bundles
  • Fastest growing plant on Earth
  • Bamboo flowers about once a century
  • FUN FACT: "A suspension bridge on the river in China is 250 yard long, 9 foot wide and rests entirely on bamboo cables fastened over the water. It doesn't have a single nail or piece of iron in it." (

Bigleaf Magnolia

Common name: Bigleaf Magnolia (Angiosperm)
Scientific name: Magnolia macrophylla

  • Native to southeastern United States and eastern Mexico
  • Between 15 to 20 meters tall
  • Does not require full sunlight exposure
  • A rare shrub that resembles the typical macrophylla but its fruit are longer, its leaves are shorter, and its flowers are smaller
  • Its fruit are eaten by wildlife
  • Dicot
  • It is a perennial plant
  • Vascular
  • It is an angiosperm
  • Grows in eastern and southeastern United States, excluding Florida