Thursday, April 19, 2012

Plant Parts (Root System and Taproot)

Root System and Taproot

This picture shows that root system which includes the part of the plant that lives below the ground. This includes the taproot, lateral branch roots, and root hairs. The functions of the root system are anchorage, storage of resources, absorption of water and minerals from the soil, and movement of water and minerals. (1)

The picture also shows the taproot which is part of the root system. The taproot is the main root of the root system and it has lateral branch roots branching of the side of it. The taproot has the same functions as the root system, since it is part of the root system. The taproot is also part of the taproot system, which contrasts  with the fibrous root system. A taproot system contains a taproot while a fibrous root system just has many lateral roots of about the same size. (2)


1. Answers. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. <>.

2. "Roots." Error. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. <>.

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