Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wild Pineapple

Common name: Wild Pineapple (Angiosperm)
Scientific name: Ananas comosus

  • Thrives in the understory forest layer
  • Its flower is a cluster of red blooms
  • Its fruit is oval in shape, large, and yellow-brown in color
  • The peduncle, a stalk bearing fruit or flowers, are thinner in wild species
  • The ovary is not completely covered by the floral bract
  • They provide nectar for humming birds who, in return, pollinate their flowers
  • A monocot angiosperm
  • Native to Brazil and Paraguay
  • Its soil should have a pH of 4.5 to 6.5 and it should be sandy with plenty of organic matter
  • They grow best in tropical areas
  • Often, a fungi causes them to acquire wet root rot

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